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Suitable temperature for various foods during transport of refrigerated trucks

In refrigerated trucks, different foods require different temperatures. These can be adjusted by the temperature regulator in the cab. Before adjusting the temperature of the refrigerated compartment, we must be aware of the different foods in the transportation process. What is the most suitable temperature?


First, the fruit and vegetable preservation area: in the refrigerated temperature zone of 2 ~ 8 ° C, vegetables, fruits, eggs, beer, beverages and other refrigerated can preserve color and keep fresh, and maintain the original flavor. The fruits suitable for transport in this temperature range are grapes, apples, cherries, plums, melons, pears, citrus, peaches, pineapples, lemons, and bananas. Fresh vegetables: western pine mushrooms, asparagus, carrots, cauliflower, green peas, flowers, cabbage, celery, lettuce, cucumber, eggplant, spinach, potatoes, onions, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, tomatoes.
Second, meat, fish preservation area: 0 ° 2 ° C 0 degree insulation area food stored at 0 ° C state, no ice, no loss of nutrition, can be stored for 1-2 days of fresh fish fresh meat, fresh not Discount. Suitable for this temperature range are generally fresh meat: raw bacon, raw pork, raw beef, raw chicken, raw lamb, raw ham, eggs, pork sausage, bacon, and salted ham.
Third, the variable temperature cold storage zone: in the variable temperature zone of -2 ~ -14 °C, including:
1. Water temperature cold storage zone (-2~-3°C). Foods suitable for this temperature range are: margarine, cheese, condensed milk, whipped cream, butter, and the like.
2, micro-freeze refrigeration (-3 ~ -5 ° C).
3. Soft freezing (-6 ~ -8 ° C).
4, mild freezing (-10 ~ -14 ° C) four temperature zones, not only can maintain good food nutrition, and can maintain a fresh taste.
4. Quick freezing zone: In the frozen temperature zone of -18~-21 °C, meat, fish, frozen food and other foods can be stored for a longer time, the freezing speed is fast, and the freezing is more durable. Foods suitable for this temperature are: ice cream, frozen fruit, concentrated juice, frozen fish, frozen beef, frozen lamb, frozen pork, frozen chicken, frozen ham.
Knowing the appropriate temperature of these foods during refrigerated transport, we can control the temperature well during transportation to achieve the best refrigerated transport.


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